Friday, May 31, 2019

Shakespeare’s Lady Macbeth: Pure Evil? Essay -- Shakespeares Lady Mac

Next to Macbeth himself, Lady Macbeth is the penultimate person in Shakespeares play, Macbeth. And though she does not survive to the end, her find out on Macbeth lasts throughout the play. She is the most influential person in Macbeths downfall, next to the witches. However, her relationship with him goes far deeper then that of the witches. It is my belief that the witches act only as a trigger to start the events in the play, and that Lady Macbeth herself was the driving force behind Macbeths actions. It is she who he contacts when he meets the witches, and immediately trusts her with the prophecy he is given. The relationship between Macbeth and his married woman is paramount to the understanding of a major theme of this play. At first it would appear to be an equal partnership. However, I believe Lady Macbeth was the dominant of the devil character she could have persuaded Macbeth to do anything if she so wished. And though she does not openly exercise her power over him in public, in private she often uses necrosis and emotional bribery to manipulate Macbeth to execute her will. The first scene in which we see Lady Macbeth is Act 1 Scene 5, in the first one-half of which she is reading the letter sent by Macbeth about his meeting with the witches, and about half way through Macbeth, himself enters, having caught up with the messenger who delivered the letter. Immediately we see the reputation of her relationship with Macbeth, and have a strong sense of her character. The first thing that you notice of course, is that Lady Macbeth is reading a letter that must have been compose mere hours after the events contained happened. It is a letter from Macbeth, containing potentially treasonous information about his meeting with the... ...Barbara Mowat and Paul Warstine. New York Washington Press, 1992.Works ConsultedBradley A. C. Shakespearean cataclysm 1912 pp. 468-9 Curry, Walter. Shakespeare s Philosophical Patterns. London Mass Peter Smith, 1968. Ep stein, Norrie. The Friendly Shakepeare, New York, Viking Publishing, 1993. Harbage, Alfred, Macbeth, Middlesex England, Penguin Publishing, 1956. Magill, Masterplots- Volume 6, New Jersey, Salem Press, 1949. Paul, Henry N. The Royal Play of Macbeth 1950 pp. 213-17 Schlegel, August Wilhelm. disapproval on Shakespeare s Tragedies . A Course of Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature. London AMS Press, Inc., 1965. Steevens, George. Shakespeare, The Critical Heritage. Vol. 6. London Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981. Wills, Gary. Lady Macbeth and Evil. Oxford Oxford University Press, 1998.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Death Penalty;Does It Deter Crime :: essays research papers

Does the Death Penalty Deter Crime?Scientific studies have consistently failed to find convincing evidence that the expiration penalisation deters crime more than effectively than other punishments. The virtually recent survey of research findings on the relation between the death penalty and homicide evaluate, conducted for the join Nations in 1988 and updated in 1996, concluded "Research has failed to provide scientific proof that executions have a greater deterrent effect than life imprisonment and much(prenominal) proof is unlikely to be forthcoming. The evidence as a whole still gives no positive support to the deterrent hypothesis..."(Reference Roger Hood, The Death Penalty A World-wide Perspective, Oxford, Clarendon Press, revised edition, 1996, p. 238, paragraph 328)w.web.amnesty.orgThe death penalty has never deterred crime. When the death penalty was reinstated in the 1970s crime rates were sky high. In research conducted for the linked Nations in 1996, cri me rates were the same as those in the 70s. Depending on the exact year since the death penalty was reinstated in the U.S. crime rates have dipped or risen 10-15%. Normally the ladder. In the United Sates we call the death penalty, capital punishment. The word capital speaks of the head. This is because throughout history the most common way of executing criminals was by severing the head. Now when I hear capital punishment I will be reminded of something even more grotesque and morbid than previously. In a survey extendn by prisoners serving life terms, 55-60% said that they would have rather received the death penalty than life terms. It seems to me that, since more prisoners would prefer to be killed, it is a lesser form of punishment. However that by no means makes this cruel and degrading form of punishment acceptable. We are denying the right of life. Regardless of the fact that those on death row did take that right away from another hu man being, it is not our place to take theirs.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Hydroygen Renewal Project :: Energy Power

Chevron is one of the worlds largest integrated oil companies in the world and is headquartered hither in the Bay Area. Chevron is known to be involved in the exploration for, and production of, oil and natural gas, as well as the railway line transportation of crude oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids, the refining of crude oil into refined petroleum products, including gasoline, aviation fuel, and other light petroleum products. ace of its refineries is also located in the Bay Area. The capital of Virginia Refinery is one of the largest and oldest refineries on the West Coast. Construction of the refinery started according to in 1901, and it was soon bought by Standard oil (TCFLUI). It covers 2,900 acres, has 5,000 miles of pipelines, and hundreds of large tanks, that can hold up to 15 million barrels of crude, gasoline, jet fuel, diesel, lube oil, wax, and other chemicals produced by the refinery. Most of these operations require exquisite heat and pressur e, requiring 130 megawatts of power and up to 50 million gallons of cooling water daily (TCFLUI). With a processing capacity of over 350,000 barrels per day, this refinery is among the largest in the United States (TCFLUI). Recently chevron proposed a project plan to the city of Richmond that would upgrade the outdated refinery. The plan is known as the hydrogen transmutation project, it would include a power plant replacement which would replace inefficient steam boiler. Hydrogen plant and purity replacement which would replace the outdated exalted energy used plant with a newer energy efficient plant, along with modifying existing equipment to improve the purity of the hydrogen used by the plant.Some members of the Richmond community are in an uproar about the recently proposed plan claiming that this is far from what the city desires at the moment. Critics of the proposed plan such as an Oakland-based environmental assembly indict chevron of lying, accusing the company that th eir plan to switch to refining dirtier, cheaper crude oil that could result in five to fifty times more(prenominal) pollution (cbs5). This would increase releases of mercury, selenium, toxic sulfur compounds, and greenhouse gases. And why would the Chevron switch to refining dirtier, cheaper crude oil? Greg Karras a senior scientist with communities for a wear out environment claims Because price discounts can exceed $5 per barrel, which , for a refinery Chevrons size, could lead to be about $400 million per year (cbs5).

The Teaching Profession Essays -- Teacher Education

I am a t each(prenominal)er, an educator of our youth. I am amongst the thousands of educators that facilitate the scholarship process to children ages v to eighteen. Along with my peers, I guide, mentor, inform, inspire, encourage, and provide many opportunities that allow our youth to learn for themselves. We do not just read from books or give exams, we interact with each student, building a relationship so we may help create well-rounded learners so they may be capable to reach their full potence and surpass their goals. As a teacher, we know how to intervene, provide positive reinforcement, and allow students to make mistakes so they may try for themselves and build confidence within themselves and soak up the fruits of achievement. When a student achieves, we all achieve. A true educator teaches as a way of brio rather than teach to live. Teachers are always learning and wanting to gain more knowledge to pass along to their students. As a teacher, I must have a belief syste m that guides my actions as an educator. 1.I believe than education is the most single important aspect in a persons life. As a teacher, we are the life source of discovery and knowledge. It is our duty to nurture each individual student by allowing him or her to excel not only intellectually but likewise developmentally, emotionally, physically and socially.2.I believe that all students should be treated equal regardless of any special needs. 3.I believe my classroom will be an accessible and safe environment that fosters respect, trust, dignity and participation that allows students to learn. 4.I believe that my curriculum should and will be adjusted, so that all of my students may be able to compete on an equal level.5.I believe that if I demonstrate a pos... Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education. Retrieved from http// Davis. (2007). A Quality Education? Journal of Philosophy and His tory of Education, 57, 18-25. Office of Educational Management - NYSED Contracts for Excellence Model Programs. (2010). Ed Management Services. Retrieved December 10, 2010, from http//, J., Stecher, B., ODay, J., Naftal, S., & Carlson Le Floch, K. (2010). body politic and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act (No. Volume IX) (pp. 1-294). U.S. Department of Education, Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development, Policy and Program Studies Service. Retrieved from http//

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Philosophy :: essays research papers

Many philosophers said that the philosophy is almost in the end. Its the deathof philosophy. Maybe because most of the commonwealth only focus on how to make aliving nowadays, besides, no work, no pay, I dont blame them. Also the dominating front of science, people are tend to be more realistic and practical thinking, moreincline on material satisfation. Although many top scientists hump the vastness ofphilosophy and the existence of the unseen dimension but most of the people dontbother much on that, they just demand to aquire a practical living skill which allow themto make a living, they dont bother to try to think in another philosophical way, afterwardall they dont want much, just to make a living. Thats what they want a new kind ofphilosophy simplicity. People who want to study philosophy may feel suffocatedsometimes, but they continue to treat it another philosophy lesson I guess. Philosophywill never, it just exist in another form in another time as long as we still see ourselves as human. In my opinion, I think the expression of a person is not the most important thing. We cant judge people by appearance. A good- looking person will not be a nice person actually. I have seen a very good movie called Shallow Hal. I could get a line that truth from it. nigh of people are like the character in the story, a shallow guy. He exposes watcher only in supermodels and centerfolds. The first thing he looks for in a woman is looks. Throughout history, few concepts have been pondered as much as the nature of beauty. Philosophers, poets, scientists, and theologians have contemplated and been inspired by its many forms and mysteries. Some find it in the wonders of natural, others in the simple, enigmatic smile. There are even those who have traveled to the ends of the earth and beyond in search of beauty. I say the beauty is a person who has a warm heart. In the pass, I will judge a person from his or her looking. But now I know its a wrong thing. What we see on the surface is not always the truth. I should see everything from many points. Then I will understand more principles of many things. Many people think money is the most important thing of life. I always think about one inquire If I were a millionaire but with a serious

Philosophy :: essays research papers

Many philosophers said that the philosophical system is almost in the end. Its the deathof philosophy. Maybe because most of the people only tension on how to make a aliveness nowadays, besides, no work, no pay, I forefathert blame them. Also the dominatingtrend of science, people be tend to be more realistic and practical thinking, moreincline on material satisfation. Although umteen top scientists know the importance ofphilosophy and the universe of the unseen dimension but most of the people dontbother much on that, they just want to aquire a practical living skill which allow themto make a living, they dont bother to try to think in another philosophical way, afterall they dont want much, just to make a living. Thats what they want a new kind ofphilosophy simplicity. People who want to study philosophy may feel suffocatedsometimes, but they continue to treat it another philosophy lesson I guess. Philosophywill never, it just exist in another coordinate in another time as long as we still see ourselves as human. In my opinion, I think the appearance of a someone is not the most important thing. We cant judge people by appearance. A good- looking soul will not be a nice person actually. I have seen a very good movie called Shallow Hal. I could understand that truth from it. Most of people ar like the character in the story, a shallow guy. He finds beauty only in supermodels and centerfolds. The first thing he looks for in a muliebrity is looks. Throughout history, few concepts have been pondered as much as the nature of beauty. Philosophers, poets, scientists, and theologians have contemplated and been inspired by its many forms and mysteries. Some find it in the wonders of natural, others in the simple, enigmatic smile. There are even those who have traveled to the ends of the earth and beyond in search of beauty. I say the beauty is a person who has a warm heart. In the pass, I will judge a person from his or her looking. But now I know its a wr ong thing. What we see on the surface is not always the truth. I should see everything from many points. Then I will understand more principles of many things. Many people think money is the most important thing of life. I always think about one question If I were a millionaire but with a serious

Monday, May 27, 2019

Analyzing Mr. Keating’s Teaching Concept in Dead Poets Society from Progressivism Essay

Introduction1.1 Brief Introduction of dead(p) Poets Society In 1959, Welton Academy is respected by the raft for its dignified style at that time. The education mode there is fixed, non only mo nononous just now ideology shackled. However it all changed in the detention of a new instructor. John Keatings educational method against tradition brought vitality to this school in his correctroom, he support the students to stand upon the desk, to observe the humans around with a different perspective he introduced thoughtful poetry to students the free diverging thinking philosophy he advocated ca subprogramd great repercussions among students. Gradually, some tidy sum accepted him, began to bravely face every day and grasp their waste decl atomic number 18. Charlie is eager to pass off the real self, renamed Nuwanda.He takes advantage of being one of the proofers, researchs receive of expressing self-independent thought. Knox be pitchs uncharacteristically, be brave to p ursue his love, finally get a gleam of hope. With the help of Mr. Keating and Neil, the autistic Todd breaks out infinite potential, walks out of shadow and fits confident and gregarious. nether the edification of the Poetry Society, Neil listens to inner voice and found his real ideal. In spite of his fathers opposition, he successfully starred in the wreak A Midsummer Nights Dream. 1.2 Overseas and Domestic Research StatusAccording to the document literature, there atomic number 18 not many home(prenominal) scholars study on education done Dead Poets Society. The articles one-sidedly analyze the principle methods, teaching concept or teacher-student relationship of this film, which still help the compendium of several(prenominal) aspects in this thesis. For example The precept Paradigm Thinking Triggered by Dead Poets Society written by Long Qixiang, it has explained the changes in teaching purpose in this film and Discussion on Mr. Keating Teaching Concept in Dead Poets So ciety written by Liu Weixing, it has analyzed teaching concept of Mr.Keating.Western scholars hold back fully analyzed Progressivism. They have hurtle forward their own views from the meaning, thought and influence of Chinese and western education re striving. The writer collates and selects the useful materials, by feature innovative theory with this film testament permit readers under(a)stand how to reasonably teach in theory, and properly apply theory into practice better. Backgroundcognition of ProgressivismProgressive pedagogics is an educational philosophical thought populated in the United States in first half of twentieth century. It has a considerable blow on education at American schools. 2.1 DefinitionAt the end of 19th century and the early 20th century, with the emergency of Progressive Education transaction in United States, the solid status of Western Absolutism which was completed by Herbart was shaken. Progressive education is an extensive educational tre nd based on progressive ideas. Its core idea is to promote the transformation of society and the update of human, so as to promote successive progress of human society through education and educational reform. This educational trend originated from 17, 18 century, its influence has continued to present day.2.2 Theoretical BasisProgressive Education is the education experiment under the guidance of Deweys Pragmatism educational thinking. People strongly criticized the old traditional theories and methods led by Herbart, thus its opposite Children center on theory go down forward. Brief Introduction of Content closely Deweys Pragmatism Educational Thought (1) Education namely is Life, Growth and Experience Transformation Education is the surgical process shaverren are now living just now not the prep of future animation. The best education is learn from life, learn from experience. Due to individual(prenominal) contact with people in social life, individual influences each some different, and then we can gradually expand and improve experience, acquire companionship and develop example character. (2) School namely is Society.Dewey proposed, I believe school primarily a social organization. Now that education is a social process, the school is a form of social life. (3) Learning from Doing.The chicaneledge children gain from listening and development is not real. The primal and impressive knowledge was gain from doing something like experiment. When we assiduous in activities that are meaningful to us, our study effect entrust be magically revealed. So the study from doing will neverbe replaced by textbooks. (4) Children Centered possible actionProponents of this theory take a childs development as a natural process that teachers can not dominate, but being a natural servant. Take childrens interest as the center, emphasize childrens personal development and yield and put students in central organize of teaching. Promote new forms, content, methods of education. 2.3 Influences to American EducationDue to the establishment of guiding ideology based on people (children, learners), it would inevitably lead to the overall changes which are related to this aspect in education formation. That is this whole education reform, at the end of 19th century, early 20th century American society rattling involve. In this sense, the first contribution of Progressive Education to American education is that, it effectfully promotes American education from agricultural age to industrial age, from modern to contemporary. The Progressive Education constitutes an important beginning of modern American education.An otherwise critical contribution of Progressive Education to the development of American education in 20th century is that, it has had profound impact in forming the underlying characteristics of school education in U.S.A. In contemporary American education, progressive educators have strongly advocated the richness of childr ens needs and personality differences emphasized providing more s curtilage for children further inquiry and creative development respect for the secures of children and so on. All these have become a widespread truth.To some extent, Progressive Education fundamentally changed the halo of American schools and schoolrooms. Though the Children Centered theory advocated by Progressive Education was criticized, the tyranny educators representd could no longer rule the American schools. Analyzing Mr. Keatings Teaching Concept from the Perspectives of Progressivism In this chapter, the writer will analyze Mr. Keatings teaching from the Teaching Purpose, Teaching Principles and Teacher-student Relationship of Progressivism point out the advantages and hidden problems in his teaching. 3.1 Teaching PurposeProgressivism considered there is no ultimate, stable or universal goal preplanning for education. Education should promote childrens continuous exploitation and development, and th is affable of growth and development will contribute to the follow-up. That is the purpose of education. In Welton Academy which filled with dogma and faithful atmosphere, great courage and boldness is needed to be faithful to ones personality. further Mr. Keating dares to use a unique way, visually warn students to find your own road, to find your own walk, do not care what others say. He uses put on the Day to alert students to find themselves, to do what they want to do, to turn over your life extraordinary.He is a maverick. He is brave to lead the students to get rid of the shackles of tradition and decline, to arouse the passion and desire in their hearts. In his view, paying attention to students creative thinking and self-expression of personality is more valuable than inheriting tradition. The traditional education starts from pass on knowledge and skills, the students task is to accept and set up knowledge as much as possible in order to succeed at all levels of exa m. This kind of education leads to the consequence that study is for knowledge and exams not for students themselves or their ideal life. So during the teaching process, Mr. Keating not only emphasizes students acquirement about knowledge and skills, but the training of the way they thinking and the acculturation of healthy personality. 3.2 Teaching PrinciplesThe principles of Progressive Education like methods, content and materials being adopted in the teaching process are all included. These are cover steps to achieve the teaching purpose of Progressivism, and these are also the steps Mr. Keating alship canal keeps on doing. Basic principles of progressive education is express and cultivate personality, oppose to instill from outside behave freely, protest compulsory discipline learn from experience not from the textbooks oppose to obtain isolated skills and techniques through training hurl full use of opportunities in real life, against fixed target and materials. To be more specific, principles can be divided into 10 points (1) Attention to all abilities and power of a child.Student is considered to be a total organism which contains intellectual, social, emotional, physical, spiritual and other aspects. Students should not only develop intelligence but social, emotional, physical and other aspects should also be developed. This point is thought to be one of basics of Children Centered theory. It doesnt set a specific goal or tend to develop the important aspect for children, but to grow up comprehensively.However, Welton as an educational institution, it likes a machine without heat and emotional coloring which only focuses on enrolment rate, processes each student into qualified product with its powerful deterrent and imprisoned push. The arrival of Mr. Keating injects fresh blood for them, so that they see the human instinct. The involuntary impulse, repressed desires, emotions and intentions deep in their unconscious begin to stir. (2) The role of a teacher is to encourage but not to supervise. This point is related to teacher-student relationship. In traditional teaching, the role of teacher is not only to teach students knowledge but a supervisor to assure students would not do the things which are out of discipline or influence their study. One pillar of Welton is discipline.What school should do is to assure enrollment rate, eradicate every activity that would influence students score, teachers alship canal put cogent study pressure on students shoulder. Students there are not people but acquire machine. In Progressivism, Teacher is a person who uses his rich and right experience to help students analyze and deal with different situations. He is important to be a guide or a leader in teaching, but he is not the only authority. In Mr. Keatings teaching, he teaches book knowledge and life philosophy through normal daily activities and his own experience. He doesnt limit students freedom and to encourage them to seize t he day, to find things people really stay alive for.But it also shows that if students lack proper supervision, it will have negative impacts. (3) School should be positive and active to solve problems then evoke, but not be negative or passive in teaching through memories. Analysis and reconstruction of facts is indispensable for an increase of knowledge, explanatory power and the ability to correctly classified. If people want to find something new, they must do something to the object. It is necessary to jump out of the environment which has been set previously.A usual way of teaching is to remember and recite the book knowledge like formulas, equations and poems then repeat practicing. Welton only uses traditional ways to teach while sometimes not suitable for students, for example students learn Latin by reading after teacher they learn science by doing much homework. While Mr. Keating encourages students try to look at things from different perspectives when they are learning , even though it may depend silly or wrong. He regards the way to rate and determine a poem great or not by the rational coordinate in textbook is excrement.He let students rip out entire introduction. (4) Friendly, enthusiastic and humanitarian classroom atmosphere. Class is the main place for teaching, the quality of teaching hinges on the atmosphere in class more or less. A teacher of profound learning should have the ability to stimulate his students actively participate in the learning process, students have interest to learn then even profound knowledge could be understood. In other teachers classroom, students are silent and indiscriminate, teachers are unequivocal and rigorous and the atmosphere is always tense. Students should follow and comply with teachers requirements otherwise they would get a low score in their exams. Mr. Keatings class is on the contrary, no bondage is in the classroom. He does not adopt the way that teacher stands seriously on platform and student s sit properly below. He walks among students and uses approachable ways imparting knowledge. (5) More space.This point likes the second point, which is to provide more space for children in learning and private daily life. In this film, students are under the falsify of authority their inner desires are bound by reality. Space is namely freedom, it is required to learn, to live. People are instinctive to chase happiness, but it always restricts by reality, so we need to find a compromising way to chase happiness.They release repressed sentiment by reading poems in the cave, by reading a meaningful sentence before kicking football. The things they cannot achieve in real life can be got in poetic imagination. Under the suppression of Weltons educational concept, Mr. Keating also harshly criticized schools management system with his own practical action. (6) The curriculum should be adapted to each childs level of maturity, and based on childrens interest, creativity, self-expressio n and personal development to achieve individualized. Children were born in their own way, but through the struggle with reality their individual character would be obliterated, from a pentagon to a round shape.Though Welton always cultivates only one type of person, which is qualified graduate. It is hard to implement this kind of curriculum even in todays society, what we could do is to keep our pure personality from changing by our surroundings. (7) To provide children with a wealth of teaching materials, facilitate students to explore, to operate, to apply. Teaching is not limited in classroom, not limited in the required materials. Learning can in everywhere. In the first class of Mr. Keating, he whistled and led students to the school history exhibition room, let them stop their impetuous pace and face the age-old yellow photos, to listen to the silent advice Carpe Diem, to overcompensate the short time and demise of life.In gym class, he was playing vibrant Baroque music, wh ile let students line up single cross-file and read an incentive poetry before kicking the ball. These are not the ways traditional teachers would adopt but by which encourage students more or less. In master keys eyes, students should sit in the classroom and absorb traditional materials which have been tested by practice. There is no need for them clapping and marching in the courtyard or doing anything which does not help with their study. (8) Establish organization to promote cooperation and make common experience.The knowledge and experience work out together by learners themselves will be more impressive than the one by force-feeding. In this film, students firstly organize study groups to help each other with their homework. Afterwards, they reorganize The Dead Poetsa community devotes to suck out all the marrow of life. They transfer the way to release repressed emotion to this literary society. Students rally in a cave at night, they recite the works of Byron, Whitman an d even the one creates by them, feel the meaning and value of life. (9) Oppose to the concept of education is preparation for life. Advocate education is a constituent part of actual production process.This point is the same as Deweys Pragmatism. Progressivism sides on the idea that education is to enhance personal development in real life kind of than let children adapt to education, but let education adapt to children. Mr. Keating never urges students to get a high score or be the top of ranks, he just wants his children to acquire right values and grow up comprehensively through education. However, sea captain insists that the duty of school is to prepare students for college, because a best enrolment means bright future for students and reputation for school. The development of students rest aspects will take care of itself. It cannot say which one is absolutely right, but the two contradictions will cultivate entirely different students. (10) Against compulsory and strict pun ishment.This is the common rewards and penalties system even in todays school. Students with good grades will receive many rewards, and others behave badly will be published differently delinquent to their behaviors. In Welton Academy which takes enrolment rate as the ultimate goal. Mr. Keating as an English teacher, he abandons the stereotype and dogma and teaches without pointer and corporal punishment, but in the form of poetry, music and sports, inspires students to pursue the truth of life by applying his unique insights towards art . But when Charlie slipped an article in school paper, received a knell call from God demanding girls be admitted to Welton, he was published by headmaster he has to bow his head and look for forgiveness. 3.3 Teacher-student RelationshipProgressivism inherited and developed the educational philosophy of Deweys Pragmatism. They think that children should be in accordance with their own needs and interests. Therefore, teachers should act as a mentor or advisor rather than an authoritative figure. The responsibility of the teacher is not to command relying on the authority but to provide advices. Children should determine their own things by the interest, and they plan their own development, teachers are just learning guide. (1) The role of students they turn from knowledge passive receptacles to positive constructors.Mr. Keating always thought the idea of education was to learn to think for yourself. He encouraged students to be a free thinker and told them the dangers of conformity. Suck out the marrow of life in my own way. And not, when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived. Obviously, Mr. Keating asked students to break the reality that passively accept tradition and authority, trying to require them to acquire knowledge through active thinking then resulting in the growth of life. Student is a total organism which is autonomous and developmental.They are not affected by external factors and continuously feel, e xperience the meaning and value of life in growing process. Thus teachers should not to control students behavior but to respect their self- conscious(predicate)ness pay attention to the needs of students physical, emotional and other aspects. Make the learning process becoming the process of students growth. Furthermore, knowledge is not granted by others, but discover and invent by learner themselves. The learning materials were chose, understood and reformed by learners own experience, then constructed their own new knowledge system. So students should not be the passive receptacles to store knowledge but active constructors.(2) The role of teachers They change from knowledge porters to wisdom enlighteners. Mr. Keating has vividly showed how to be a guide and enlighteners through his teaching methods and behavior. Teachers should create teaching situation, lead students to use prior knowledge and skills to delve into learning. In his class, Mr. Keating would start from the book l earning or a shallow action into a deep life lesson. Seize the day, Talking about poetry is not laying pipe., See everything in a different way, seek for your own voice, Find your own pace, swim against stream. Teachers should be aware of the importance of letting students know how to acquire knowledge rather than directly give them knowledge.To encourage students to be good at thinking, be daring to innovate, be brave to explore. It is sure if without Mr. Keatings enforcement, Todd would not make his excellent verse and still be an obedient child keep his desire deep in mind forever. From this point we can see, teacher and student are both living individual. They have their own emotions, personality, values and ways of thinking.They also have their own views and experience towards teaching. The teacher cannot be a substitute for his students to perceive or understand knowledge. Therefore, teacher cannot be the one unequivocal teaching student should not comply with it. Teachers sh ould walk down from the superior central authority eliminate cold, nervous, hostile atmosphere in the classroom turn in the classroom to students and regard students as individual life respect their personality and equally talk with them. 3.4 Advantages of Mr. Keatings Teaching3.4.1 Mr. Keating set a model for teacher about Happy Teaching. He takes ease and freedom as standard to create a casual learning environment. Mr. Keating broke the force-feeding teaching mode and construct an interactive platform between teacher and students. He respected students and concerned about their real needs, made them happily grow up in a free, casual teaching environment. He taught students to have a pair of eyes to discover beauty, to feel the wonderful in discipline with their heart. Be good at observing and discovering let all students to become the master of their own ideas.E.g. Mr. Keating encouraged them to look at things in different ways, to seek for own voice. This free divergent thinkin g form leaves students more space for positive thinking another example is telling students lifetime is short, if you want to make your life extraordinary you have to seize the day. 3.4.2 Mr. Keating taught students to Learn to Think.He let students to learn thinking freely and independently. Have your own voice not to follow indiscriminately. Learning in the classroom is always dead and mechanical the knowledge while we chat outside of the classroom is alive and vivid. The former is specialized knowledge the latter liberal education. E.g. Mr. Keating let students walk freely in the courtyard to experience that it is easy to follow the pace of others while walking behind them and it is difficult to adhere to their own pace and personality.3.4.3 Mr. Keating helped students to Establish Confidence and Keep Faith. Mr. Keating introduced thoughtful poems to students, let them gradually comprehend the connotation of poem learn to focus on reality and love life and to cultivate students s elf-confident, optimistic and tough characters. Students can play their potential ability by reciting poetry. E.g. Todd is an introverted and sensitive student, Mr. Keating saw his cowardice but he did not condone it. He forced Todd to yawn to compose a verse thus to release his repressed emotions. Mr. Keating makes students know the meaning of life through his poems. 3.4.4 Mr. Keating encouraged students to develop freely and show their personality. In the whole teaching process, Mr. Keating always encouraged students to develop personality.He thought teaching is not purely imparting knowledge but also deeply cultivating ones personality. It is a process to let students think freely and explore independently. He let me know success is not unary. Some students study in reputable schools like Welton are carrying too much pressure from family and society, most of times what surroundings force them to do are not they really dream of. Like Neil, Todd and others, they all under the press ure of outside, so they have to hide their inner desire and digest to requirements. In the end, Neil found his dream, Todd overcame his cowardice, and Overstreet was brave to pursue his girl.These are all successes, they all develop without limitation. 3.5 Hidden Problems of Mr. Keatings Teaching and the Solutions The most touching picture was on the football field With the melody of Beethovens Ode to joy and under the encouragement of Mr. Keating, the students wearing red sweatshirt enjoy fit inning, chasing and frolicking. They simply carry Mr. Keating on their shoulders and run hilariously around the playground. In the golden sunset, the immortal melody that shines forever on the concept of human seems to have a new tone. However, the result of a movie is not always a happy ending. Neils death is really a tragedy.The hidden problems in Mr. Keatings teaching have emerged. 3.5.1 Children Centered Theory should work in its moderate otherwise it will gradually become an indulgent b ehavior. It is really a good thing that Mr. Keating changes the monotonous atmosphere for his students, to help them to find their inner desire and tell them many life philosophies. It is obvious that everyone hopes to meet a teacher like Mr. Keating. But it still needs supervision. At their meeting in cave, except a few good poems the students occasionally recited, practically accompanied by smoking and drinking. When Charlie did wrong, Mr. Keating just told him not to be blatant. But there is no need to excessively against nature like Welton. In my view, both teachers guidance and students interest should take into consideration in teaching.By combining both of them, students, teachers and school will be in a harmonious relationship. 3.5.2 The education concept of Mr. Keating seems to be too ideal. He said, Medicine, law, business, engineering these are noble interestingness and necessary to sustain life but poetry, beauty, romance, love these are what we stay alive for. He tried to let students be aware of the importance of individual growth and the meaning of life. His words inspired students. They want to seek for dream at the same time they are trammeled by reality. But Neil is too concerned with his ideal to make necessary compromise with reality. He puts himself into an impasse and he kills himself in order to make his body free. This is the character of Progressivism it focuses on personal development.However, it would be better if we balance personal needs and social needs ideal and reality. Education should be the integration of these four parts. Blind pursuit of ideal is extremely dangerous because it would make us defeated by the cruel reality. Thus we must look for the most appropriate method to seek for dreams and try our best to keep the balance between ideal and reality. 3.5.3 Progressivism education ignores imparting system knowledge. In this film, Mr. Keating also emphasizes more on telling students about life philosophies rather than impar ting system knowledge. He skips around the chapter in textbook which is not beneficial for students. To realize inner desire needs to put into action, systematic knowledge is the basis of practice. Understanding life philosophies is important for mental development while systematic knowledge is also indispensable for intellectual development. finaleAfter analyzing Mr. Keatings teaching concept, educators can apply some useful points in Chinese education. There are some unreasonable status quos in Chinese education, like it highly required technicality of subject knowledge but ambiguously required for all-round capability of mastering and applying knowledge most of disciplines which are self-contained do not communicate with each other and the learning content is away from reality and its practicality is poor. By combining useful points in the analysis, solutions could be put forward to improve status quoAs for Teaching Purpose, except focusing on high scores, there are many other things they should learn and experience like moral values. Personal growth and social purpose of education should in a balanced state. This is complete and correct purpose. As for Teaching Content, practical skills like fostering creativity, teamwork and logical reasoning could be increased, at the same time we should not neglect students learning about basic knowledge. Another important thing is that we should led students know how to apply them to practice, especially by using the examples in real life. After all, education is to help us to be able to deal with problems in many fields.As for Teaching Method, funds and advanced technology has been applying to teaching facilities nowadays, teaching methods become diverse and we should make full use of existing facilities. Teachers can combine their teaching content with appropriate method and facility, by doing so students will be more engaged in teaching process. By analyzing Mr. Keatings teaching purpose, teaching principles and t eacher-student relationship in Dead Poets Society from perspectives of Progressivism. Readers can firstly have a frequent understanding about this western educational philosophy, and then they can comprehend the theoretical foundation of Mr. Keatings teaching behaviors, which is really commendable in Chinese education.Progressivism breaks through the fetter of traditional education, advocates the importance of childrens interests and free space to develop. But everything should be in a moderate, so that can avoid the issues because of extreme. The analysis of unreasonable status quo of Chinese high school education will attract peoples attention to problems of educational practice and education itself. That is we have to eliminate exam-oriented education which only focuses on students grades and neglects the development of other respects. As for the solutions of these problems are writers desired methods to solve them. The reform and healthy growth of Chinese education system will keep going through trial and error.Works Cited1.. J 201103 2.. J 201002 3.. J, 201007 4.. J 201008 5., J,,201012 6.. J 200731 7.. J199602

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Promoting Molly’s health and wellbeing Essay

The purpose of this essay ordain to be to promote mollies wellness and well universe by evidence based surmisal and practice (Refer to appendix 1 for molly scenario). Molly has various wellness needs that necessitate the need for health progression such(prenominal) as the risk of postnatal depression. However, for the purpose of this essay, the focus will be her type 2 diabetes health need. There ar several bio-psycho accessible factors that move over to Mollys health and wellbeing such as genes, stress and low income. The interventions that ar designed to promote Mollys health and wellbeing will include education and sanction . These will address Mollys determinants of health by using appropriate amazes and approaches to provide realistic and unimaginative suggestions to Molly. The rationale upon promoting Mollys diabetic health need is due to the fact that, type 2 diabetes rear cause severe complications such as retinopathy, kidney failure and cardiovascular disease . What is more, type 2 diabetes continues to increase in the United Kingdom and it is estimated to touch more than 5 million mess by 2015 (NHS choices 2013) historical over project of health onward motion was first highlighted by Florence Nightingale (1860) who noned the biomedical tuition apt(p) to patient roles and suggested the need to provide holistic patient centred care to patients (Piper 2010). Notably, she recognised the importance of environmental factors such as cleanliness and nutrition to promote the health of patients (Piper 2009). Health progress is a plethora of contested descriptions. Therefore, over the years at that place have been leadable attempts to define this concept. For (WHO 1986) Ottawa Charter, health procession is defined as a process of educating and empowering population to make better choices (Hubley et al 2013).This definition implies that, health forwarding is a holistic concept that emphasizes on the somatic, social and mental wellbei ng (Piper 2010) The nurse is the health professional that will be concern in promoting Mollys health and wellbeing through evidence based theory and practice in addition to using various models and approaches (Piper 2009). This scheme will enable Molly and the nurse to individually and holistically express themselves, develop innovative plans suited to Mollys health needs and promote effectual communication between Molly andthe nurse (Bowden and Manning 2006).Communication is an important principle in health promotion as not only does it underpin the rump of holistic care given to patients but it also builds therapeutic relationships between the nurse and the patient (Bowden 2006). Communication is a fundamental concept in breast feeding that is defined as a skill of information sharing between the patient and opposite health professionals (Yulli et al 2011). In these circumstances, the nurse will go across with Molly through various modes of communication which will include v erbal, non-verbal and written communication. She will discuss with Molly on shared values and beliefs that is relevant to Mollys health needs. Most important, communication in Mollys case will go beyond information sharing to involving Molly in her give care by supporting her to make positive healthier choices in her life (Hubley 2013). Significantly, the nurse will adhere to ethical principles of autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence and justness (Whitewood 2010).There are several bio bio-psychosocial factors that contribute to the health and wellbeing of Molly. These factors can be well understood by using the bio-psychosocial model. This is holistic model that combines major(ip) determinants of health such as social economic status, biological status and psychological status to give a holistic view of an individual mental, sensible and social wellbeing (Baxter 2010). The biological factors that contribute to Molly diabetic health need are her genetic susceptibility due to her family history (NHS choices2013). Her unborn tyke is also at a risk of inheriting the illness from her m early(a). Type 2 diabetes tends to run in families largely due to similar unhealthy life-style (Bowden and Manning 2006). Whereas Molly might have inherited type 2 diabetes from her parents, the development of this illness is also influenced by lifestyle choices (NHS choices 2013). Psychologically, Molly is at the risk of agony from postnatal depression and stress due to physical demands of work and fetching care of her family. This can consequently lead to mental illnesses (Hobart and Frankel 2009).Psychological illnesses can affect Mollys ability to self-manage her credit line glucose. Apart from this, psychological instability can cause Molly to lose maneuver of her diabetes with fatal consequences (NHS choices 2013). Molly is on a low social economic status as she is only able to work part eon. Greenand Tones (2010) contends that, low income limits access to nutrition al nutrient and housing which can consequently lead to poor physical health and social exclusion. Furthermore, Hill et al 2013 s proposes that, type 2 diabetes disproportionately affects people with limited resources. Perhaps this is because, low income earners are more likely to indulge in unhealthy damaging behaviours such as eating unhealthy nutriment and lack of physical activity (Hubley 2013). If this were the case, Molly might not able buy healthy food or accesses those activities that address her health needs such as the gym and other social networks in her community. All these factors might hinder positive health outcomes. check to (WHO 1986), health is defined as not only an absence of diseases but also a complete state of physical and mental wellbeing. In order to promote Mollys health, a holistic approach is needed to address the bio-psychosocial the factors that affect her health and wellbeing. Therefore, various activities need to be under mete outn by using appropria te theoretical approaches and models. Initially, the nurse should master that, Mollys basic needs are meet first beforehand moving up to the higher needs. Maslow (1943) proposed that, humans have hierarchies of needs. He believed that, needs such as food and water are meet first before reaching the level of self-actualisation (Hubley2013).Having previously identified that Molly is on a low income which can affect her ability to access healthy food. The health promotion priority will be then to address this need before moving on to the other higher needs. The nurse should advice Molly on the help that is available for her to increase her earnings . For example, Molly would benefit from extended give lessons that offer childcare and family support services (Larkin 2009). The importance of childcare would be that, Molly will be able to work more hours bringing in some extra income for her family. Consequently, she will be able to buy healthy food and engage in activities such as swi mming or dismissal to the gym. Significantly, this would reduce her risk of social exclusion and diabetes related complications (NHS choices 2013). However, it is important that Molly believes that, her positive health behaviours will prevent complications and help acquire good fictitious character of life.This will influenceMollys willingness to take action (Yulli 2010). According to Health belief model by Rosenstock (1966), Molly will only take positive action if she believes that, she is susceptible to serious illnesses, believes that her type 2 diabetes is serious and believes that her positive actions will avoid the negative consequences of diabetes ( Yulli 2010). For instance, by doing physical activities it reduces her chance of her being obese and consequently reducing her risk the of cardiovascular diseases or even death (Coyle 2013). The Health belief model is useful in promoting Mollys diabetic health need. This is because it organises the patients health status, views and points out the factors that that determines whether the patient will change their behaviour. Furthermore it provides a useful checklist that points out the issues that need to be addressed and the patients motivation to change their health ( Yuill et al 2010). Nevertheless, the Health belief model has not escaped criticism due to its individualistic way and ignores social influences (Hubley 2013).For example, Molly low income status may influence her decision of whether or not she eats healthy food. Furthermore, it does not address psychological factors such as fear and denial that greatly influences human ability to take positive action towards their health (Hubley 2013) . For instance, Mollys ability to engage in physical activities may be affected her pregnancy, emotions and social influences such as family and friends. Another activity that to be undertaken to promote Mollys health is encouraging Molly to learn from positive role models that will motivate her to positively r egulate her behaviour and reflect on her actions (Green 2010).This can be learning from her family, friends or other people who have type 2diabetes but have successfully managed their diabetes through positive attitudes, behaviours and treatments. According Social learning theory by Bandura (1986), people actions are influenced by observing the behaviour of other people. He argued that, this promotes people self-esteem that in turn drives them to make positive changes (Green 2010). In these circumstances, the social learning theory is equally important in promoting Mollys diabetic health need because it addresses the concept of self-esteem.This is a key part of resisting negative influences and promotes self-efficacy and locus of control to do what is right by her health (Amdam 2012). Social learning theory importance should not beunderestimated as it recognizes that, individuals do not exist in isolation (Amdam 2012). Despite this, it is criticised by biological theorists for its r ejection of biological factors such as genes. Moreover, the biologist model challenges the social learning flawed assumption that, behaviours are learnt by contending that, behaviours are inherited but not learnt (Gyenscuico 2011).Education is another activity that needs to be undertaken in order to promote Mollys diabetic health need. The aim of education will be to teach Molly on self-management skills and to improve Mollys knowledge on diabetic care (Bowden and Manning 2006). The nurse will use health educational model to modify Mollys behaviour and actions through providing value-laden facts and information about type 2 diabetes . This may be done by giving Molly leaflets about type 2 diabetes, teaching Molly on how to control and monitor her glucose levels (Bowden and Manning 2006). According to education approach, if Molly have the necessary knowledge on diabetes, she is more likely to make positive decisions (Lawrence et al 2009). For Instance, by teaching Molly how her guns tock glucose is affected by food and exercise, she is more likely to eat more healthier food and be active in order to keep her blood glucose stable (NHS 2012).One cannot ignore that education model is evidence based and not only does it educate the patient but it also gives skills to the patient. However, this model fails to consider environmental, psychological and economic constraints which affect individuals ability to make choices (Lawrence et al 2009). Another limitation of this model is its simplistic view of cost-benefit analysis. It assumes that, if Molly is given the knowledge she will accept it unconditionally, weigh up the cost and then make a positive health choices for her best interest (Bowden and Manning 2006). What is more, its deterministic view point that, education is a must does and its top down approach does not give Molly much surplus will to make her own choices which the self-empowerment does (Bowden and Manning). The empowerment model gives the patient the free will through it advocacy of the individual concept of locus of control and self-efficacy to take control of their own health (Lawrence et al 2013). This model links to the activity of empowerment which is another activity that needs to be undertaken in in order to promote Mollys health and well being .This will be through Mollyparticipating and taking part in all areas of decision making (Piper 2009). This model shifts the balance of power from the health professionals to the patient (Piper 2010). The empowerment model bottom up approach is a vital factor in empowering the patient (Bowden and Manning 2006). The empowerment will inculpate that , Molly is acknowledged as being a part of her health promotion and she will work alongside the nurse and other multi-agency teams involved in her own care (Yulli et al 2010). Perhaps this might raise her confidence and influence her ability to make healthier choices by taking responsibilities on her type 2 diabetes management (Hanlon et al 2012). The advantage of using the self-empowerment model in Mollys scenario will be that, Molly will gain more control of her life and confidence to move towards healthier existence (Hanlon 2012). However, it fails to consider influences of power that may prevent Molly from making healthier choices (Hanlon 2012). For example, Mollys husband might influence her ability to make choices. Moreover, it does not address social economic factors such as low income that can mean that, Mollys primacies may be at odd with the priorities of the health promoting professionals (Bowden and manning 2006).Finally, its acknowledgment of the self-determination means that, Molly might exercise her free will and choose unhealthy eating behaviours that might place her at risk or even death (Dean and Irvine 2010) One cannot ignore the benefits of health promotion in Mollys scenario is a useful tool to educate, motivate and empower Molly to make positive changes towards her health. However, health prom otion can be problematic at times. This is due to the dangerous assumptions of the health promoters focus on health issues ignoring that, people have various motives to change their behaviours and health might not be one of them (Scrive 2010). For instance, for Molly diabetic health need might not be her prime motivator to change her lifestyle. Another criticism of health promotion is the ever changing health advice for patients due to research that is always finding new evidence (Amdam 2011). In these circumstances, patients have barely enough time try one treatment or advice before they can adapt to another. This affects the efficacy of health promotion (Scriven 2010).Evidently, the media contradicts the health promotion advice which is based on facts due to its focus on controversy rather than facts which can be confusing for the patients (Amdam 2011). Furthermore, the health promotion in Mollys scenarioraises this question. If Molly decides not to change, does it mean that the h ealth promotion in her case has failed? The challenges of effective health promotion require actions at all levels starting at an individual, community and at a government level (Scriven 2011). Therefore, to successfully, promote the health of an individual, it is necessary to have an approach that combines all these levels together as they all influence the effectiveness of health promotion ( Amdam 2011). To conclude, health promotion is defined as a process of educating and empowering people to make healthier choices.Mollys health is influenced by various determinants of health that are linked to her social, biological and environmental conditions. The health promotion emphasis is to tackle such determinants of health through evidence based practices that combines various theories and approaches. These theories and approaches are tied up with practical activities that are aimed at changing Mollys lifestyle and behaviour to promote her health.The importance of health promotion shou ld not be underestimated at it educates and empowers the patients to make positive actions towards their health. Nevertheless, health promotion is plagued with challenges such as contradicting health advice that affects the efficacy of health promotion. These challenges affect the most vulnerable people such as Molly. It is therefore important that the health promoters recognizes these difficulties and address them accordingly. Finally, it is recommended that, future health promotion professionals address the deficit of the lack of an approach that tackles health promotion at an individual, community, government level to ensure the effectiveness of health promotion.ReferencingAmdam, R. (2011) Planning in health promotion work. Oxfordshire Routledge.Baxter, M. Health (2010). second ed. Cornwall Polity press.Bowden, J. and Manning, V. (2006) Health promotion in Midwifery. 2nd ed. London Edward Arnold Ltd.Ghensucico, B. (2011) Critic on Albert Banduras Social Learning Theory.Dawsonera Online. Available at http// Accessed 25 January 2014Green, J. and Tones, K. (2010) Health promotion planning and strategies. 2nd ed. London Sage Publication Ltd.Hanlon, P. Carlisle, S. Hannah, M. and Lyon, A. ((2012) The future public health London Open University Press.Hobart , C., Frankel. J. (2009) Safeguarding children . 3rd ed. Cheltenham Thornes Ltd.Hubley, J. Copeman, J. and Woodall, J. (2013) Practical health promotion. 2nd ed. Cambridge Polity Press.Larkin, M. (2009) Vulnerable groups in health and social care. Dawsonera Online. Available at http// Accessed 30 March 2014Needle, JJ. Petchey, RP. Benson, J. Scriven, A. Lawrenson, J. and Hilari, K.(2011) The allied health professions and health promotion Systematic review Cochrane

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Effects of Social Networking Sites Essay

The implementation of social networking localises has changed how the average person communicates with others. Studies show that the average person spends at least nine hours a hebdomad surfing and posting on social network sites (http// In fact, using social networking sites has not only improved our communication skills, but has had a controvert impact as well.One of the many pros and cons to communicating on a networking site is the mightiness to stay connected. When a student graduates, a loved ace moves, or a c atomic number 18er changes, everyone wants to keep up with people they have grown to c are for. Being on a social networking site, you can helpmate request people you cut to keep up with their day to day actions. This ensures we dont miss out on parts of someones life where we want to be included. Increasing the communication you have with someone, even online, strengthens your relationship. Unfortunately, being able to stay connected has kept thousands connected in a less than personal way. Networking sites entice people to stay online and spend less face-to-face time with others. So, you may be connecting to friends and family, but you are being deflect by the time wasting activities and applications the site supplies. Your mother doesnt currently care if you reached level ten in the Adventures of Indiana Jones on Facebook. She wants to know how you are doing in your classes at school.Read moreEssays on Social NetworkingAnother way networking sites are affecting society is evident in the ability to regard impudent people. Making new friends can be a wonderful thing. Consider the following scenario, you are interested in a certain instrumentalist and find their page on your networking site. On that same page are many others that have that common interest. Befriending these new people provides a new outcome for expression. A family member or friend may not like the same artist, but finding this new friend g ives the ability to have someone to talk to about the subject. On the other hand, not all people surfing these sites that are looking for new friends are doing it for the right reasons.Artists and topics that attract a younger population give ample opportunity for predators to have access to the viewers. There is no way to know that the 15 year old female child youve become besties with is really a young girl, or if its really a pedophile looking for new prey. In Feb. 2009, MySpace identified 90,000 registered sex offenders with profiles on the site, while Facebook declined to reveal how many were present on its site (http// example of how social networks affect society both positively and negatively is the ability to obtain information. Many networking sites created today are made for specific genres of people. Sites like and have been created to help people with life issues such as finding new jobs or getting tips on b reastfed babies. If a person is shy and has trouble meeting that special someone, they can go to a networking site such as Sadly, not everything that is posted on these sites can be verified.Most sites, like the match-making sites, have no way to verify that the person posting on their site is them. An older, obese person can post a picture of a younger, thinner person to try and get a match. The site itself does not know that the picture posted is actually the person posting it. So, when the date shows up expecting person A, they are angry or upset that they meet person B, the real person, and bullying, fighting, or worse occurs. Too much false information is passed along the internet, and a large percent of it is done via networking sites.Overall, social networking sites cant completely be praised or put down for being bad. Being able to stay connected, make new friends, and get information via these sites has its pros and cons. No matter what changes are made, there will always be those that say the sites are good for our society, and those that say the dangers outweigh the benefits.ReferencesAre social networking sites good for our society? (2012). Retrieved from http//

Friday, May 24, 2019

Describe the Expectedm Pattern of Children and Young People’s Development from Bith to 19 Years Essay

From their first year babies pull up stakes exit to have more control hold their head, enrolment over, sit up unaided, hold a rattle, put everything into their mouths and start to crawl. During their second year development and growth continues and most start to walk. They aim to control their movements and duck soup objects and food and start to play with toys. They result start to climb and learn to judge distances. Towards their third year, children will have lots more control as their muscles develop and their confidence grows.Feeding themselves, using a cup and showing an quest in dressing themselves, likewise able to grip pencils and turn pages in a book. Babies from birth cry to communicate and react this way to sounds. They then begin to turn their heads in the direction of sounds and use their eyes to follow others. As babies develop they enjoy attention and learn to make noises other than crying and will start to laugh. By the age of one, most understand simple dustup like no and yes and their own name. They will start to follow simple instructions.Between one and two eld children start to pronounce words and this will then start to increase rapidly. They watch everything going on around them and recognise people. Between two to three age children recognise the difference amidst you, me and I and start to ask lots of questions, they wont always get grammar right. They enjoy songs and have favourite stories. From birth dependant on adults for value which generally stops when cuddled. Babies respond to adults especially Mothers face and voice. Will start to smile after a few weeks and stare at faces.As they derive 6 months babies start to enjoy more interaction and perhaps play peek-a-boo and show affection. Between one and two years they may become spooky when separated from known adults, may use a comfort object and start to play alongside other children but not with. They show interest around them and greet know adults with pleasur e. Need continuous attention as fag get into mischief, does not understand danger. Will get frustrated with themselves if cant do just aboutthing they try to do. Two to three years sees a sense of own identity, likes to roll-play, sometimes reluctant to share.Prone to tantrums, can spoon eat themselves, joins in songs, can use sentences but may not always make sense. Ready to toilet train. 3 7 years Three to tetrad years more coordination over movements jumping with feet together, walk on tip toes, using stairs, catching a gently thrown ball, climbing with confidence. At quaternary to five years they learn to pedal a tricycle and have control with fine motor skills such as cutting and drawing, using scissors, holding pencils. By five their skills become refined. They can hop and kick a ball with aim, handle a pencil with more control and copy shapes and some letters.Six to septet years most children can skip, ride a bicycle, do up buttons, save, handle larger climbing eq uipment confidently. From three to four years children can understand two to three simple commands at once. They sort objects by size, colour and draw some objects. Loves the same stories over and over, very inquisitive, will start to know colours. By age four their grammar improves and they ask more complex questions. They also have a sense of humour. Between five to seven they begin to understand about differences, can count up to 20, know their address.Also start to recognise written words and start to write words and sentences and make up stories. Three to four years play becomes more sociable and able to share. Starts to show sympathy towards others and become more cooperative likes to help. accept play is more complex and self-motivated and behaviour is getting better. They feel more secure and able to cope with separation from family for periods of time. Between five to seven years children can brush their own teeth, dress and undress. Can make friends and is developing a sense of rules. They love learning about people and the real world.They motivating routine and structure. Can use a knife and fork and enjoy a little responsibility. 7 12 years Children can run, jump, climb, swing, hit a ball and enjoys team games by age 8. Can sometimes be unsure of their own ability. May start to have hobbies and interests and have skills required to learn an instrument. About the age of 10-11 girls may start to show early signs of puberty. Most children will be fluent in language and can read to themselves and also out loud. They start to develop their own thoughts and preferences and are able to discuss ideas.They take a lively interest in certain subjects over others. They write descriptively and drawing is detailed. They need help with the complexities of spellings. At seven, friendships will be more settled and tend to be in groups. Children around this age start to become less dependent on adults for well-nigh support and have an understanding about behaviour and what is acceptable. By eight, children will start to form close friendships. They form their own personalities. Towards 10 and above children start to become aware of their own gender, and what others may think of them.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Effects of Endosulfan

Pre-Induction Work. How To Ensure The Success Of Your Every Induction and Suggestion Before You Even Begin By William May Click Here To live A Master Of Covert Hyp nonic Influence In the study of hypnosis there argon many elements that run through been covered thoroughly. Certainly, any well conscious student go let on be familiar with the need for a good pre-talk and the establishment of sonorousness, impart have to be quite familiar with the process of bring forth and deepening a en bewitchment, and, undoubtedly, with the deployment of the prompts and commands that atomic number 18, perhaps, the ultimate purpose for the creation of the trance state.Of course, the focus on the experience of trance itself, on creating, deepening, maintaining and utilizing that state, is the essence of our field, unless to truly grasp this art, one must also understand far to a greater extent about the creation of trance, and just how our fundamental interactions with a eccentric, eve b efore any formal trance work begins. Our focus here, then, is on this sign phase of the hypnotic descent. Now, clearly the pre-talk and rapport developing fall into this stage, which we jackpot call the pre-induction phase, but they atomic number 18 altogether one view of the work that nates be done within this realm.Even before any mention of hypnosis is made, an informal preparation thunder mug begin. The keep down evoke be conditioned towards responsiveness, maculation we bottom of the inning surreptitiously begin to calibrate to determine the style of hypnosis that willing be most productive, and, of course, begin to establish the relationship that will allow this work to be done. Additionally, we power also utilize some basic covert hypnotic techniques to truly pre-induce the rout, such that by the succession formal trance work begins, they are already in a light trance state and can considerably be lead into a deep trance with minimal resistance.There are man y possibilities that a competent mesmerizer will utilize at this point in there interaction with a subject, and we cannot, certainly, discuss all of them here, but we shall explore, and in so doing force raise new thoughts to lead us towards discovering further potentialities for just how the pre-induction phase competency be utilized to enhance the hypnotic interaction for our subject, while making our job as hypnotist in time easier. William May. www. masterhypnotic verbiage. com Let us begin with some minor points on what happens when a subject is striationoff greeted and welcomed to our hypnotic arena.While my focus here is on therapeutic interactions, one can easily see how these similar notions world power translate to other contexts, whether it be on the street, in a theatre, or any other context. So, let us imagine that a knob walks into the office for their first session. My preference is to meet them in the waiting room. This may seem, and indeed is, a minor poin t, but there is a reason for this. First, it does draw a cordiality, as I can walk out, meet them with a warm smile and handshake, and then welcome them to come into my office.Additionally, I might capture out a bit about the subject, whether they arrived solely, and if not, just who is with them how they occupy their time whilst sitting in the waiting room, and their general demeanor. Many small particular propositions can be obtained through this simple gesture, whereas a subject might easily disguise some of their feelings upon entering the actual office, or, conversely, might feel an unease that they did not have as they waited. Such minor observations can be of extreme import. As an example, consider just how you might find it useful to know that your subject was reading a textbook on nursing versus a pulp novel.What might it distinguish if they were, instead, playing a video game on there cell phone? These may be small details, but the awareness of such things can offer op portunities for metaphor(if your subject seems to be engrossed in a magazine on sports, for instance, you might weave a story that uses a sporting event as its focus), a point upon which to create rapport (I couldnt help but notice you are reading the new book by so-and-so, Ive not read that, but I really enjoyed his XYZ, have you read that as well? ).Consider, also, the middle aged man who arrives at the office in company of his Mother, or the subject who sits alone in the corner of the office, not doing anything but purposefully avoiding interaction with anyone else in the waiting room. Another reason for stepping out of the office to meet the lymph node is that it provides a small opportunity for getting the subject acclimated to following instructions. Even the simple gestures of asking subject to follow you into the office and of telling them to take a arse offer an opportunity to establish a pattern of compliance in an extremely non-threatening way.Again, these are minor po ints, but by creating a holdive candidate in the relationship at this point, we are laying the groundwork for compliance that will be built upon as we move into hypnosis. William May. www. masterhypnoticlanguage. com At this point, of course, we have our initial consultation with the subject, and the main point that I would make in this portion is to discover and look at the clients frame. This is extremely Ericksonian, but accepting the frame, no matter its ridiculousness, is an extremely powerful stance to take as a hypnotist.To offer the most extreme example, let us suppose that a subject walks in and speaks immediately of how they have studied hypnosis, know that many hypnotists themselves acknowledge that the state does not exist, and are certain that they cannot be hypnotized. My answer would be to say, yes, you are quite right. Knowing as more than as you do, you certainly are aware that some muckle have deficiencies that make it im realistic for them to enter trance, and it is possible that you may be one of those people who just cant relax enough to experience the wonderful possibilities of a hypnotic trance. around people do have that problem, sadly, and it might just be so for you. Of course, until we do begin hypnosis, we wont really know if you are one of those unfortunate people who just cant experience this Thus, without arguing the point, weve established a viewpoint that not being able to enter trance is a deficiency, while creating the possibility that they might be wrong. At this point, we can immediately change the subject to some other matter, letting that idea sink in even deeper.In this work through the frame rather than against it, and the subject will want to disagree with our viewpoint that they cant enter trance, since it has been connected to deficiency and problems, and will only be capable of resisting that suggestion through entering trance and changing the frame they entered with. At this point in the interaction, it can also be quite useful to begin using some minor suggestions, both to prime the subject for trance and, perhaps much importantly, to determine just how easily they do.Simple comments can serve well to do this. For example, while gesturing towards a chair, you might comment, that is a very comfortable seat, its easy to just sit put up in it, take a nice deep breath, and relax. The comment can be tossed out offhandedly, and you only if have to note whether the subject does respond or not. This is not intended to create the trance state (though with some subjects it is a good fountain), but it does allow us to begin noting how they respond.This can, for example, alert a arrest hypnotist to the potential for a polarity responder, when the subject responds in a way that is directly oppositional to the suggestion, or, conversely, to the suggestible and responsive subject who will easily respond by relaxing into that chair with a nice deep breath. Now, it should be noted that the sug gestions can be far more subtle than this, but, as well, its important to recall William May. www. masterhypnoticlanguage. com hat the subject often is not aware enough of these techniques to notice even a somewhat overt comment of this sort. However, if you are wary of putting the subject on edge with a comment of this sort, one might use a suggestion that is not enjoin at relaxation, or by making an indirect suggestion by discussing how some of your other patients find it very easy to relax in that chair. The nature of the suggestion itself is not overly important here, the purpose is, as stated above, to establish a base line for responsiveness, as well as to develop that aspect of the interaction.This process of using small suggestions can be continued while progressing through the initial interview and pre-talk, allowing for calibration towards the type of suggestion that seems most effective. Some subjects will respond best to direct suggestions, while others seem more compl iant when the suggestions are indirect. Learning this before hypnosis actually begins makes it possible for the savvy hypnotist to be far more effective and efficient.Instead of merely following a generic approach and tailoring it to the client during the hypnotic interaction itself, you already have much of the knowledge necessary for creating an impactful hypnotic pattern. Of course, this does not take the place of calibration during the actual hypnosis session, but it can allow the work to begin in a more practical and comfortable way for the subject. Additionally, one might, indeed, begin seeding useful suggestions at this point, a consideration that shall be discussed in more detail as we continue. At this point in the interaction, other forms of calibration can of course begin.For example, one might inquire about when a problem first emerged and make note of where the subject seems to look when referencing the other(prenominal), and similarly asking questions about the presen t and future, can gain a notion of the overall timeline one can determine, of course, submodal preferences, to best determine what type of imagery will be most impactful indeed, depending upon the nature of your style and preferred techniques, it is possible to craft opportunities for noting various aspects of the clients behavior and perceptual maps which might be useful in cultivating a hypnotic response.In many cases all this requires is asking a question that accesses a certain process, and noting the clients response. Additionally, we might find opportunities for creating anchors. The simple suggestion offered above, connecting relaxation to the clients chair can serve, for instance, to connect the notion of relaxation with sitting in William May. www. masterhypnoticlanguage. com that position.Additionally, we might notice a certain response during questions about the clients problem, a response that we feel could be useful to access again, and anchor this in whatever way seem s appropriate so that we might recall it while the client is in trance. For instance, with a subject who suffers panic attacks, it might be that during the interview we share a small laugh, and might choose to anchor this, perhaps by leaning forward and touching the clients knee.Later, during the trance process, we might fire that anchor while having the client recall a recent panic attack, triggering a response to the experience that can help to move them past the problem. Even anchoring the problem state, so that we can access it in conjunction with other resources can be quite useful. For example, we might anchor the panic response described above, and afterwards build an anchor for peaceful relaxation, then collapse the two anchors to help move past the problem.Thus, we can utilize pre-induction experiences as opportunities for the development of potentially useful knowledge and resources that can easily lead towards success when we do foray into more overtly hypnotic processes . Now, go towards some of the more direct tactics, lets consider the pre-talk itself. The purposes of a pre-talk are many, and certainly we should all be familiar with the most basic of these, namely to inform our subject and to develop a level of comfort with the prospect of entering a hypnotic trance.Of course, the pre-talk, when handled properly, offers other opportunities, and can actually allow us to bridge into an initial hypnotic experience. What we are discussing here is a step beyond the generic use of various hypnotic tests, but instead a more directed approach designed to do precisely what the hypnotic pre-talk is intended for, by actually using the subjects own perceptions of hypnosis to create a light experience of trance. We are essentially going to ask just what the subject imagines trance will feel like, and what they will experience that will make them certain they are entranced.In asking these questions, however, we need to direct the subjects answers so that they are most useful. Many times, a subject will answer by imagining the responses they imagine they will experience, whether it be arm levitation or some other phenomenon they may have seen performed. This is not the type of answer we are seeking instead the goal is to direct their imagination towards the sensory experience of what they imagine trance will be like.As you might already guess, this can easily transition into a full trance experience, simply by applying some revivification type techniques, amplifying that sensation that they have already imagined. Even more William May. www. masterhypnoticlanguage. com significantly, you are helping to establish a set of criteria that will make them certain that what they are experiencing really is trance. So many hypnotists forget at times that trance experiences are so normal to the uninitiated, so familiar to us all, that we can easily overlook them unless we have some type of deep hypnotic phenomenon.By using this type of technique, you establish a intelligence of what hypnosis will feel like, so the subject will be setting up the criteria that guarantee they will recognize trance when it happens, and in so doing will begin to experience that feeling for the first time. At this point, you might just choose to let the subject go into a deeper trance directly, by merely amplifying the experience and allowing that sensation to build until it reaches the desired depth, or you can let them come back out, knowing that when you put them ack into trance it will be even deeper. They dont even need to recognize that this first experience is a trance, and at times you might even let them stay in a minor level of trance as you continue. Thus, you have many options for how you continue your work. Indeed, if there is one thing that pre-induction work allows, it is the development of new options you might not have considered, and it is this aspect that is most important.So many times youll meet a hypnotist who has a way of d ealing with this problem, and a tactic for that problem, but when you begin to really explore the possibilities in the way that you can before you ever use any type of formal hypnosis, you allow yourself to learn more about what will really help this individual person. Ultimately, the goal is to discover the structure of a problem, the frames and beliefs that shape it, so that as you approach the real issue, you can do so in a way that will truly impact this subject.To offer an entertaining example, a young man of my acquaintance and I had corresponded for some time online, but had not spoken directly. When we did have our first conversation, he noted all the patterns I use in my speech, and was certain that I was trying to hypnotize him. No amount of argument on my part, or on the part of others present would dissuade him. He was convinced that my using language patterns was proof that I was hypnotizing him, and that he needed to keep his guard up or he would drop into trance.Now, this was his frame, and whenever I argued contrary to it, he found attest supporting his belief. So, instead of disagreeing with him, I chose to accept his belief, and said okay, since you insist that I am already doing so, I will hypnotize you now. William May. www. masterhypnoticlanguage. com His response was that he could not be hypnotized as long as he kept his guard up. At this point, my response was again to accept his frame, but to add to it, reflection yes, you have your guard up, but at some point you will relax, and these suggestions are already waiting inside your mind. Thus, the subject was given the choice to accept the suggestions now, or to do so later, and chose to go into trance straight away. While this example does deal more directly with getting a subject into trance, it points out many aspects that can offer great insight in this process. First, it reinforced how much more can be done when we do accept a subjects beliefs. If we argue with those beliefs, we d emonstrate a lack of understanding that can strain trust within the relationship.When we accept a frame, even a negative frame, we can work to move the subject out of it, or find a way, as in this example, to make that frame useful for moving forward. Thus, it is important, when doing your initial interview with the subject, to become aware of the beliefs they hold about the issues being dealt with, hypnosis, and various other factors you deem relevant to the creation of a successful experience for your client. Listen to your subject closely, noting presuppositions, as well as direct statements about belief.For example, if a person makes a comment oh, even I can do that, it clearly illustrates a limiting belief. Often it is not in the direct statements of beliefs that we uncover the frame from which the subject is operating, but in the implications of what they say that we truly get a glimpse at the clients belief structure. Knowing a clients reality, it becomes much simpler to devi se a therapeutic intervention that will have success. As mentioned above, my preference is to accept that frame and work within it to create change.Often we can add conditions to that frame, as with the client who has difficulty with giving up cigarettes who acknowledges that they will have difficulty with that process. We can acknowledge that this is true, while still adding stipulations that will make it easier Yes, a person can have difficulty with quitting cigarettes, until they are taught the right resources for that process. Thus, we frame that our interaction will teach the subject resources to make that quitting process easier, without conflicting the knowledge the client has of their period experience.In the end, the real truth is that we need to view the work we do with a client before formal trance as having just as much complexity (and often, just as many hypnotic components) as in the more formal aspects of William May. www. masterhypnoticlanguage. com our work. By r ecognizing the clients resources, apprehensions, beliefs, and goals, we are far crack equipped to create a positive experience for them, while, as well, we can also take advantage of the pre-induction period to frame our interaction, build resources that we will later use, and even egin the use of suggestion. We can take this even further, by creating mild trance states through informal techniques, and continuing our work with the client already beginning to experience trance as an organic response. When you truly listen to the subject, and pay attention to all the things which occur before the induction, the options that are available expand in ways you might already imagine, and your accuracy in selecting the proper course of action will increase greatly with this new found information and the flexibleness it promotes.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Is it Right for the Government to Accept the Fine Now? Essay

The nonion of destitute result is important when deciding whether the political sympathies should immerse the fine forthwith or later. Free get out suggests that human creations are autonomous and are therefore fall by the wayside to decide how to live their lives. This includes decisions, such as butts, approximately whether to quicken drive or not. However, the governmental officials are human as well and therefore also possess free lead. If John is considered a free agent capable of being free than it must also be assumed that government officials, also free agents, are also capable of being free.One caveat that accompanies free will is incorrupt responsibility. Ultimately, this is what this entire case centers on. Is it right for the government to accept the fine before John shoot downs a fastness driving offense? This question will explored further as it relates to free will as well as how it relates to personal identity and mind tree trunk ideas. The government does not go through the right to accept the fine prior to the speed driving offense. Whether or not it is known that John will speed drive tomorrow is not au thereforetically the issue in this case.The issue is that the government should not accept that a person is going to commit a law-breaking and accept a fine for it before it occurs but rather the government should rely on their sense of free will in browse to stop the crime from happening in the first place. The capacity for the government to have free will also means that the government has a moral responsibility to society to ensure that John does not speed drive tomorrow. Further, if John is going to disappear forever after he speed drives anyway, is it really necessary to accept the fine and hope that this penalisement deters John in the coming(prenominal)?The mind body principle emphasizes that all human beings have a physical body as well as the capacity to think, feel and remember. This idea is connected to the id ea of free will because human beings go beyond their biological characteristics to give way creatures who want certain things, hate certain things and think about certain things in different ways. Therefore, there is a scientific agent that basis explain wherefore John whitethorn choose to speed tomorrow just as there is a scientific reason why the government may choose to accept the fine before the crime.Similarly, there are also internal reasons why these choices may be made that have more to do with feelings and thoughts than biological processes. This is the heart of Descartes famous phrase, I think, therefore I am. In other words, the way that human beings choose to operate and take over themselves are direct results of the ability to think. This brings up a very important point with regards to punishing John for a future event. Perhaps John will use his mind to decide that his moral responsibility entails his decision to not speed after all.If John decides that his capac ity for free will obligates him to refrain from speeding, then the government would be wrong in their acceptance of a fine before the crime was committed. Finally, philosophical behaviorists believe that human beings rely on their minds to carry on in reaction to their physical environment. If this is the case, then John may still change his mind about speeding, but more likely John will go ahead and speed in response to the physical environment that accepted a fine for a future crime.In other words, John will go ahead and speed because he had already been punished for the crime so nothing was stopping him from doing it. Under personal identity theories, doubting Thomas Reid suggests that just because human beings have the capacity to remember events does not mean that these events happened to them. Further, he suggests that if human beings cannot remember something that happened a week ago, does this mean they have become other person?This has direct relevance to this case becaus e it can be assumed that if the government knows psyche is planning to commit a crime they can get the punishment out of the way before the crime is even committed. This brings up a larger issue. Will punishing humans before they commit a crime truly deter them from that future crime or will it produce a drastic change in society establish on the notion that if punishment has already been served then the crime is an accepted part of society?While it is certainly logical to conclude that punishing someone before the crime occurs may produce a safer society, it is also logical to conclude that this type of justice system will create a crime laden distrustful society. For example, if the government finds out that John will be speeding in order to find his next victim to murder they may lock him in prison before the crime can occur. This will, conceivably, produce a safer society.However, it will, at the same time, create a society where human beings accept criminal activity provided t hat punishment is handed down before the crime. Ultimately, the government has no right to punish John for a speeding offense that will occur tomorrow. Personal identity is important here because it provides an outlet for John to make a different decision and obey the posted speed destine after all. In the end, the government could hand down a fine for a future speeding offense, but would this truly deter any future crime?The most logical answer is no because without punishing the mind of the criminal, then the punishment ultimately means very little. The capacity to have free will means that John is unlikely to change his behavior even if he is punished. Further, just because John will disappear after he speeds does not mean he ceases to exist just because this government can no longer see him. John will continue to exist in another place and his mind will ensure him that if he pays his fine for speeding then that offense will be accepted and he will be welcome to speed whenever h e wants to.According to the idea of free will, the government would be more successful if they were to teach John why he should not speed and provide him with compelling reasons to refrain from doing so. Johns internal human desire to please those in authority would win out thusly being more effective in curbing the potential for speeding behavior. Finally, free will does not mean John is allowed to speed nor does it mean that the government can punish John before he speeds. It does mean that John is free to drive wherever and whenever he wants to but the government is free to punish him if he does not obey the rules of the road.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Professions for Women Essay

1. According to Virginia Woolf, what are both main obstacles to womens professional identity? Are these still the two main obstacles, or does the contemporary women face different hurdles? Explain. The two main obstacles to womens professional identify is the expectations of society and the expectations she has for herself. These obstacles still exist nowadays moreover to a certain degree. In 1930 societys expectation for women was to stay home to cook and clean, now women are still seen to do this but are also seen to have a job. Women also give themselves high expectations for many things as they did in the 1930s.2. What is the Origin of the Angel in the put forward (para. 3)? shoot the breeze the Language of Composition Web site for background information .Why is this an appropriate or effective frame of reference for Woolf? The origin of the Angel in the post came from a poem written in the 1900s about self sacrificing heroine which represents the ideal Victorian women a wo man who was sympathetic, very charming, and unselfish. Including the Angel in the House is appropriate because she talks about killing this phantom which meant she was free to express herself, which inspired many women.3. What do you think Woolf means in paragraph 5 when she asserts that a novelists chief desire is to be as unconscious(p) as possible? Do you agree that someone who writes fiction should be unconscious? Why do you think a novelist would want to be unconscious or would benefit from universe unconscious? I think what Woolf means by a novelists chief desire is to be unconscious as possible (paragraph 5). Is that when a writer begins to write they disappear into their own words and conserve to write without stopping. I agree that someone who writes fiction should be unconscious because it helps them describe the character they are portraying better.4. In paragraph 5 and 6, Woolf explores the consequences of being unable to tell the truth about her own experiences as a body. What does she mean Why does she believe that surmounting this obstacle is more difficult perhaps inconceivable at the time she was writing that killing the Angel in the House? Woolf means that women still have to hide behind lies, like a assumedname, to have a book published. She believes the surmounting this obstacle is more difficult because women were not seen as equals in the 1930s they were more seen as property of the husband or father.