Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Teaching Profession Essays -- Teacher Education

I am a t each(prenominal)er, an educator of our youth. I am amongst the thousands of educators that facilitate the scholarship process to children ages v to eighteen. Along with my peers, I guide, mentor, inform, inspire, encourage, and provide many opportunities that allow our youth to learn for themselves. We do not just read from books or give exams, we interact with each student, building a relationship so we may help create well-rounded learners so they may be capable to reach their full potence and surpass their goals. As a teacher, we know how to intervene, provide positive reinforcement, and allow students to make mistakes so they may try for themselves and build confidence within themselves and soak up the fruits of achievement. When a student achieves, we all achieve. A true educator teaches as a way of brio rather than teach to live. Teachers are always learning and wanting to gain more knowledge to pass along to their students. As a teacher, I must have a belief syste m that guides my actions as an educator. 1.I believe than education is the most single important aspect in a persons life. As a teacher, we are the life source of discovery and knowledge. It is our duty to nurture each individual student by allowing him or her to excel not only intellectually but likewise developmentally, emotionally, physically and socially.2.I believe that all students should be treated equal regardless of any special needs. 3.I believe my classroom will be an accessible and safe environment that fosters respect, trust, dignity and participation that allows students to learn. 4.I believe that my curriculum should and will be adjusted, so that all of my students may be able to compete on an equal level.5.I believe that if I demonstrate a pos... Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education. Retrieved from http// Davis. (2007). A Quality Education? Journal of Philosophy and His tory of Education, 57, 18-25. Office of Educational Management - NYSED Contracts for Excellence Model Programs. (2010). Ed Management Services. Retrieved December 10, 2010, from http//, J., Stecher, B., ODay, J., Naftal, S., & Carlson Le Floch, K. (2010). body politic and Local Implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act (No. Volume IX) (pp. 1-294). U.S. Department of Education, Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development, Policy and Program Studies Service. Retrieved from http//

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