Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Philosophy :: essays research papers

Many philosophers said that the philosophical system is almost in the end. Its the deathof philosophy. Maybe because most of the people only tension on how to make a aliveness nowadays, besides, no work, no pay, I forefathert blame them. Also the dominatingtrend of science, people be tend to be more realistic and practical thinking, moreincline on material satisfation. Although umteen top scientists know the importance ofphilosophy and the universe of the unseen dimension but most of the people dontbother much on that, they just want to aquire a practical living skill which allow themto make a living, they dont bother to try to think in another philosophical way, afterall they dont want much, just to make a living. Thats what they want a new kind ofphilosophy simplicity. People who want to study philosophy may feel suffocatedsometimes, but they continue to treat it another philosophy lesson I guess. Philosophywill never, it just exist in another coordinate in another time as long as we still see ourselves as human. In my opinion, I think the appearance of a someone is not the most important thing. We cant judge people by appearance. A good- looking soul will not be a nice person actually. I have seen a very good movie called Shallow Hal. I could understand that truth from it. Most of people ar like the character in the story, a shallow guy. He finds beauty only in supermodels and centerfolds. The first thing he looks for in a muliebrity is looks. Throughout history, few concepts have been pondered as much as the nature of beauty. Philosophers, poets, scientists, and theologians have contemplated and been inspired by its many forms and mysteries. Some find it in the wonders of natural, others in the simple, enigmatic smile. There are even those who have traveled to the ends of the earth and beyond in search of beauty. I say the beauty is a person who has a warm heart. In the pass, I will judge a person from his or her looking. But now I know its a wr ong thing. What we see on the surface is not always the truth. I should see everything from many points. Then I will understand more principles of many things. Many people think money is the most important thing of life. I always think about one question If I were a millionaire but with a serious

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