Thursday, May 16, 2019

Americans and Voting Essay

thither is value in having and exercising the right to suffrage. the Statesns today have developed a mindset that their pick out does non make a difference, and that voicing out their opinions is a waste of time. This is not the case, however, as the rights that Americans atomic number 18 neglecting are the same rights that our ancestors have fought for during the enforcement of the Fifteenth Amendment. The laws that affect the average singulars, the influences of various platformed parties, and the importance of voting in society exemplifies why Americans should value their right to vote. Many laws affect the Americans rights to vote as an individual. For instance, the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution states that it grants Americans the right to vote, furthermore stating that the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. This declares, s imply and literally, that at that place is no discrimination in voicing out unmatchables opinion, no matter what the race, color, or previous condition of servitude. African Americans of the 1960s suffered greatly from blemish and racism, thus, abolishing the discrimination within voting is extremely important and healthy for our society today.Another font is the balloting Rights Act, as it banned the use of literacy tests, provided for federal oversight of voter registration in areas where less than 50 percent of the nonwhite population had not registered to vote, and authorized the U.S. attorney general to investigate the use of poll taxes in state and local elections ( Along with the abolishment of direct discrimination of race, is the abolishment of indirect discrimination, such as literacy tests. The purpose of this Act is to intentionally block all types of discrimination as well as injustice in the area of voting. Society should voice out their opinions through voting, because there are laws that protect sensation so they do not face injustice. Influences of various plat formed parties affect the outcomes of lawmaking bodies. An example of this would be the Democratic Party. The party has a mindset that the economy of America should be built not from the pass along deplete, besides from a gro net profitg halfway class, and that provides ladders of opportunity for those working hard to join the warmness class ( This means that the Democratic Party aims for a country that is focused on developing the middle and lower class.A president running with a Democratic perspective can easily win the votes of the Democratic Party. Likewise, the Republican Party is based on their aim to grow the economy . . . from the top down ( The party has a goal that bases off of the idea that building a strong foundation of the top class will make the country better. Of course, voting does not guarantee that o nes preferences will prevail, but choosing not to vote denies a person one of the key tools of having a say in a democracy ( Once may not get the president he or she elected for, or the laws they wanted passed, but the Republican and Democratic Parties all have one mindset Make America a better country. Therefore, nothing can go wrong with voting. Voting is a privilege that everyone should work up because there is no wrong decision everything is mean for the good of the country. America is run based on a democracy. This means that our establishment highly considers our beliefs and opinions, and that the future political impacts on our country are passing play to be in the hands of the citizens who choose to take advantage of their right to vote.This expresses the importance of voting, because when we vote, we dont just simply choose what president we are going to have we are electing the person that decides how the government is run, the management of wars withi n our country, and how resources are used. Furthermore, in a country where there is a large population, it is tight for an individual to have their voice perceive. Therefore, society should consider, erstwhile again, their rights to vote because casting a vote is the almost(prenominal) widely understood and discreetly effective way to have ones voice heard in American politics ( Voting gives on the ability to voice their own outlooks on politics, in a society within a large population.Our voice, our opinions, our vote is important and valued in society. Americans should vote so that these rights and powers do not go to waste. Society today neglects and refuses to voice out their outlooks on politics, which was once a right that American ancestors have fought for. It is valuable to have and exercise the right to vote because there are laws that protect one from discrimination, it is a choice made that benefits the country no matter what the outcome, and last ly, it is the easiest, most effective, and most important way to have ones voice heard in society. An individuals vote is important, and it certainly is not a waste of time. Thus, Americans shouldexercise their rights as a citizen of a democratic country, and vote.

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